Our Brand New Oracle Deck. Subscribe and be first to hear about offers and updates.
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52 Cards for you to Explore
The Animal Spirit Oracle has 52 cards each with its own unique energy, stunning artwork, elements and numerology.
Explore the meanings and additional tarot influences behind each animal as you journey into the depths of self discovery.
Explore the 5 Elements
Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, & Spirit, delve into new levels of spiritual awareness.
Discover your animal spirit guides, and uncover their messages for you.
Introducing our brand NEW oracle deck.
Understand the mysteries of the natural world. Connect to your inner self through the messages that the animal kingdom send us every day.
Animal Spirit Oracle
Infused with numerology, tarot influences, celtic animal symbolism giving you an even deeper insight on your spiritual path.
Get in touch with your own intuition, be guided by our natural world, access new levels of spiritual awareness.
Explore each cards unique message!
Welcome! Our oracle deck offers 52 cards with spirit animal symbolism and meanings to help unlock your inner power and wisdom!
You're invited to join us and enjoy the journey.
You are meant to be here.
Deer 4
Harmony, Fragility, Strength
Snail 2
Journey, Decisions, Balance
Donkey 5
Change, Integrity, Safety
Dog 9
Loyalty, Love, Contentment
Unlock Your Inner Wisdom.
Connect with your Animal Spirit Guides, discover the power of animal symbolism.
Experience true synchronicity with the Animal Spirit Oracle's powerful teachings.
Why do animal spirit guides appear now?
Learn to interpret the unique message being given to you at this time, in this place, under these circumstances.
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